Saturday, September 24, 2011



The Saptamsa is a divisional chart showing the activities and results of sexual interaction. To see the fruits of this sexual interaction, ie., children, the analysis of Saptamsa is to be done. Hence this division is seen for children, grand children, their possibility, well-being, prosperity etc. It is the view of some astrologers that in female charts this division signifies the husband’s well being and proeperity. It is also belived that with regard to progeny better results are obtained from female charts than from male charts.

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 7 equal parts of 4 degrees 17 minutes and 8.57 seconds each. In odd signs the counting starts from the sign where the planet is posited and in even signs counting starts from the 7th place from the planet.

Deities of 7 Saptamsas:
These are the 7 Rasas mentioned for the 7 Saptamsas in Odd rasis.
In even rasis the order is reversed.

First child is to be seen from the 5th house, which is the 11th from the 7th house. This is for first wife. For second wife’s first child, the 11th house from 2nd house is to be seen as 2nd house indicates second wife.
Arudha pada of the 3rd and 9th houses from lagna and Sun indicate the ability to conceive. 3rd house which indicates copulation is vital in detrmining the persons ability to conceive. If Sun is placed in the 2/12 or 6/8 axis from Arudha pada of 3rd or 9th house, it indicates a physical obstruction in conceiving children.  

As per Jaimini Sutras:
Mercury, Saturn and/or Venus in Saptamasa lagna tend to deny children or progenic bliss. Mercury and Saturn are eunuch planets and in D7 lagna they deny fertility. If Venus is also associated there in D7 lagna or trines, then the person has had excessive sexual encounters and the chances of progeny are depleted.
For female charts 9th house and for male charts 5th house should be considered for procreative success.
Sun, Jupiter and Rahu in the 9th house will indicate many sons. Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Moon are son-giving planets.
If both child giving planets and child denying planets are present in D7 lagna a child will be born after some delay.
If Mars and Saturn are in the 9th house of D7
i)                    a Dattaputra is indicated
ii)                  it also indicates a marriage with a widow / divorcee who already has child from previous wedlock.
iii)                Indicate begetting a child through a kinsman as the native may lack procreative ability or otherwise.

If the 9th house in D7 chart is an odd sign there will be many children and if it is an even sign few children.
For male, the first progeny is from 5th house, the subsequent children are judged from the 7th ,9th ,11th etc. This is continued till 3rd house. The next house should be 5th house but as we have already started from that house, the next house will be the 4th house and the subsequent houses will be the third from it. 
For females, the first progeny is from 9th house, the subsequent children will be from the lords of 7th , 5th , 3rd and 1st etc. The above method is adopted here also.
Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Mars are male planets. Venus, Moon, Ketu are female planets. Saturn and Mercury are eunuch planets.
If the lord of the child (5th lord or 7th lord as mentioned above) joins a male planet or a planet in exaltation, the child will be male.
If the lord of the child joins a female planet or a planet in debilitation, the child will be a female.
If the sign lord of the house is a male planet, the child will be a male and if the dispositer of the  house is a female planet, the child will be a female child.
The gati either changes or ends when it reaches one of the nodes, unless Jupiter is strong in Saptamsa.
In male charts 5th house is the controlling house for children, while in the female chart, the it is th 9th house. The 6th and 10th houses are respectively the maraca houses. Hence their lord (maraca lords) should be analysed with respect to the houses of the children and their lords. For eg. 5th lord vs 6th lord, 7th lord vs 6th lord, 9th lord vs 10th lord etc. From this one can analyse the Aristha of a particular child.

If the lord of the D7 lagna is posited in such maraka place, the person will not have inclination to get children. Similarly, if D7 lagna lord is in the house then disease may delay or hinder childbirth
Moon is the significator of Mother. Its weakness in D7 indicates the inability of the mother to carry the child. See in which saptamsa Rasa the Moon is posited. By consuming that particular Rasa, and worshiping Mother (Godess), the mother can get potentiality to carry the child. Chanting of Santana Gopala mantra is the most auspicious.

The lord of the house should be considered lagna for the child. If this lord is having good relation with the lagna lord of D7, the relationship between the parent and child will be very good.  

Other principles of analysis:
The D7 lagna lord must be seen in relation to the position 5H, 5L in
Secondly, the position of Jupiter, Lagna lord of D-1 have to be checked in D-7.
The position of 9L and planet Venus are to be checked in D-7.
That means, lagna lord of D-1, 5L, 7L, 9L, karaka Jupiter and Venus are to be seen in relation to Lagna of D-7. If there is any affliction one may have delayed progeny.

See the position of Jupiter, Lagna lord and 7th Lord of D-7. If there is any affliction, the progeny will only after performing certain Santhi-Karmas.

If there is any affliction to 9th lord, 9th house and Venus in D-7, in relation to lagna lord of D-7, then there will not be any progeny at all.
Venus is given so much of importance because Venus is the significator of semen.

Number of children:
Ist method: Count the number of planets falling in between 5th lord and karaka Jupiter. The number of strong planets falling in between 5th lord and Jupiter indicate the number of children.
(Counting from 5th lord to Jupiter, including both)
IInd  method: In D-7, see the number of rasis the 5th lord of D-1 travelled from his house, ie., 5th house. That much number of progenies one will have. The Kshaya rasis and planets should be excluded.
IIIrd method: Association of planets with Lagna lord of D-7 in D-1 and vice-versa.

These are the few methods to see the number of progeny. Now a days these are not applicable because of family planning methods adopted by the people.

Different Bhavas of D-7:

Lagna: This will indicate the longevity, physical stature, complexion, colour, mental disposition, fame, and sudden fall of progeny. The promise of progeny is also seen from D-7. The dasa/antar dasa of the D-7 lagna lord or planets in lagna can give progeny.

2nd house: Secret ambitions of progeny, their longevity, welfare, children’s well-being, their capacity to inherit the ancestral property.

3rd house: It will indicate about the prowess, strength of children. This will also tell about the children’s native (self). The death of the native is not only connected to his Karmas, but also his child’s his karmas as well as his father’s karmas. That means, the 3rd house of D-7 will indicate the longevity of self. It will also tell about the person’s immediate travels. Success in a place outside his father’s house can be seen from 3H of D-7.

4th house: This tells about the happiness one will enjoy from their chidren. Enjoyment, fame, recognition, attachments, responicibilities, accomplishments in materialistic pleasures achieved from children can be seen from this house. The permanency and arishta can also be seen from this house (12th house to 5th house).

5th house: This will indicate about the Poorva Punya Bala, intelligence of progeny, Godly inclinations, following of religion by the children.
Sun in the 5th house of D-7 is not considered very pious. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are considered very good. The children will be self illuminated and need not have guidance towards wisdom. Knowledge of Vedas, Sastras, Tarkam will be very good with the progeny.
Saturn or Mars in the 5th house of D-7 indicate Putra dosham. The remedies for such a Saturn are Pooja to Kaalabhairava, offering white butter to Lord Anjaneya or lighting Tila Deepam. On Saturdays before Lord Shiva. Undertaking of Brahmachary’s studied on his shoulders is also one of the remedies.
For Mars, propitiation to Lord Subrahmanya or Pooja to the ShatKona yantra, Kumara Bhojanam & Vasra Daanam.
For Sun, donate the first child. Any affliction of 5th house by debilitated planet, inimical planet, or otherwise afflicted planet is not considered very good. Errosion of intelligence factor of progeny is indicated. Particularly debilitated Mercury or inimical Moon in 5th house is not at all good for the progeny.
Exalted Venus or Jupiter is extraordinarly good.

6th house: This house talks of diseases of progeny & Balarishta. Placement of Mars in 6th house is considered to be exceptionally good. It gives Pushti, the vitality to the progeny.
Placement of Mercury is not good, alongwith Moon it is worse.
If Lagna lord of D-7 falls in 6th house or otherwise afflicted, the progeny will not rise in life than their parents. The child’s recognition will be till the death of father.
Placement of Jupiter in 6th house is also considered very good.
If Mars&Jupiter, Saturn & Sun, Venus are placed in 6th house, physical discomforts of emotional crisis of progeny can be indicated. The projeny will suffer from certain complexes or phobias in their life.
If Moon & Mercury are afflicted in 6th house, the progeny will never have steady progress in their life.
The afflicton of Soumya grahas in 6th house by Rahu/Ketu or Saturn will indicate that certain negative forces will be pullig back the progress of the children.
Because 6th is the 9th from 10th house, the children’s profession and because of 3rd house of 4th house, the child’s education may suffer.
As a rule, the 6th house should be Riktam, Vacant, to make the 6th house afflictionless. The lords of 6th house goes into Kendra bhava or associated with malefic planets like Sun & Mars is a good placement.
If 6th lord goes into Kona bhava, though it is not very bad, it will not give full potentiality to the native’s progeny. It may spoil the karakatwas of the Bhava, where it is posited, but the karakatwas of its own bhava will be held prominently. It makes a person isolated in life.
6th lord in 2nd House or 11th House, the person will get support from his relatives, Dayadees.
6th lord in 2nd house will make a person long lived and happy.
6th lord in 6th house is the second best position.
8th lord or 12th lord in 6th house is the third best position without any conjunction of any benefic planet. This will indicate that the person will not have any untoward incidents in life.
6th house and 6th lord are to be seen from Mars also. If both are well placed in good axis, the person will have good life and he will not have any Akala Mrityu to his children.
If there are extraordinary yogas in 6th , 7th and 8th houses, the children will be very happy.

7th House: This will talk of Aristhas to progeny. Take 5th lord of D-1 along with 7th house of D-7 to assess the arishta.

5th lord of D-1 with 7th house of D-7 talks of Arishta to 1st progeny.
7th lord of D-1 with 7th house of D-7 talks of 2nd progeny’s Arishta.
9th lord of D-1 with 7th house of D-7 talks of 3rd progeny’s arishta.
Another method:
5th lord’s nakshatra lord will talk of 1st progeny.
Suppose 5th lord is Mars and Mars is in Jyesta. So the nakshatra lord of Mars is Mercury. See Mercury and the 7th house of D-7 to talk about Arishta to 1st progeny.
Take Mercury’s nakshatra lord. Suppose Mercury is in Moon’s nakshatra. Moon position and the 7th house of D-7 will take about 2nd progeny’s arishta.

Transiting position of Rahu or Saturn or Mars alongwith Putrakaraka Jupiter on 7th house of D-7 will talk of Arishta coming to the concerned progeny.

8th house: This will indicate longevity of native’s progeny. Incurable diseases, that may come to progeny will also indicated by this house. 8th house and 8th lord talk about to whom the incurable diseases will come. Secret ambitions, Govt. displeasures, punishments, etc. will be seen from 8th house.

9th house: This will talk of Keerti, Bhagyam of progeny. Here lagna lord, 5th lord or 9th lord of D-1 or D-7 with Sun, if placed in 9th house of D-7, the Bhagyodayam of child will be after the departure of parents.
Long distance travels, Pitru Runam, Pitra Putra arishtam, Devata Prakopam will be seen from here. Which God or Godess should be propitiated by which progeny to get success will be indicated from this house.

10th house: Fame, status, achievements, Deerghayu of progeny (8th from 3rd ) will be seen from this house.
If 10th house is well placed by 10th lord or Sun (even debilitated), it indicates Deerghayu.
Placements of malefics in 10th house ( Mars & Sun) is very good.
Jupiter & Venus, if they are in own sign or in exaltation in 10th house of D-7, will give fame to progeny.
But presence of Moon & Venus in 10th house of D-7 will give recognition but fame will not be there.
Mid cusp lord of 10th house in D-1, if having strength in D-7 chart, the progeny will be extraordinarly well placed than the native.

11th house: This will talk of amicability of the progeny, terror amongst co-born, their status, relationships, friends of progeny.
If malefics are spoiled in 11th house, the progeny will suffer due to jealous of others.
Rahu & Ketu will get afflicted in the following circumstances.
If they are in direct motion, if they are in static motion, if associated with retrograde planets.

When Rahu is afflicrted in 11th house of D-7, one should be very careful. Pumpkin Bali is to be given to Godess Kali, to ward of evil Drishti, jealous etc. Bali is to be given once in Uttarayanam and once in Dakshinayanam of every year.
Afflicted Sun in 11th house will give diseases to children. The child should wear Surya Yantra.
Afflicted Moon in 11th house will spoil the girls in the family.
Afflicted Mercury will spoil boys in the family.
Afflicted Venus will spoil wife in the family.
Afflicted Jupiter in 11th house will spoil parents in the family.
Afflicted Saturn in 11th house will spoil old people in the family.

12th house: Expenditure, losses, untoward happenings, police or juditiary interference of progeny will be indicated.
Sun & Mars in 12th house is
Saturn and Mercury in 12th house indicate that the person will not be interested in sex.
Jupiter & Venus in 12th house is good for progeny.

Normally, 5th house dasa, in India, will give marriage







Mangal Dosha
Sage Parasara in his classic Bruhat Parasa hora Sastram, in the Stree Jataka Adhyayam, mentioned that if Mars is present in the lagna or 4th house or 7th house or 8th house or 12th house, the person would lose his/her spouse.
But as per classic work called Deva Keralam, if Mars is situated in the 2nd house or 4th house or 7th house or 8th house or 12th house the above same result will be happened. This is called Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha. 
Hence, combining the above two concepts, Manglik Dosha means the planet Mars positing in 1st, 2nd, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th house in a horoscope. The most pessimistic view of interpretation is that the spouse of the person with Mangal dosha will wither die or suffer bad health.
Unfortunately so much importance is given to Mangal dosha that many marriages are delayed in search of a suitable manglik match. It causes acute mental tensions and anxieties to the parents particularly of the girl's family. Granted that manglik dosha should not be ignored but there also exist many cases where manglik dosha gets cancelled and this fact is being completely overlooked at present. Mangal dosha can be cancelled within the horoscope it self when Mars is placed in certain rasis.
If mangal dosha is not cancelled with in the horoscope, it is advised to select a suitable boy or girl as marriage partner, who is having similar dosha. It is said that if manglik dosha is present in both boy’s and girl’s horoscopes, then the longevity of married life is assured. Hence one need not fear by simply observing that one has manglik dosha. 
The cancellation of Mangal dosha is of two kinds. 1) Internal, i.e., within the chart and 2) Intra, i.e., within the two charts.
Internal cancellation:
In the following cases Mars dosha gets cancelled.
  1. If Mars is placed in own house, or exalted house or friends house.
  2. If Mars is in Movable sign
  3. For Aquarius lagna Mars is in 4th or 8th house.
  4. Mars is in association with Moon or Jupiter or aspected by Moon or Jupiter
  5. If dispositer (sign lord) of Mars is in Kendra or trikona
  6. For Cancer and Leo ascendants Mars being yogakaraka, no kuja dosha.
  7. If Mithuna or Kanya happens to be 2nd house
  8. If Karka or Makara happens to be 7th house
  9. If Vrishabha or Tula happens to be 12th house
  10. If Dhanu or Meena happens to be 8th house
  11. Debilitated or combust Mars will not give Kuja dosha if he is in 12th house.
Intra cancellation:
  1. If Mars is placed in dosha places in both the houses
  2. In the place of Mars if another malefic planet is posited in the second chart




Shri Adi Sankaracharya, in his SOWNDRYA LAHARI, says that Swayambhoo Brahma saw Adi Shakti, Srividya, playing with her female friends (sakhi). With the help of the dust particles of Srividya's feet Brahma created the entire creation while she is playing with her friends. In the process of his creation he has fixed the time for the birth of all creatures in the world. For male, female, plants, creepers, creatures, animals, everything is created to the time.
This theory of birth of male or female is known as PANCHA TATWA THEORY. Human beings possess five elements. They are PRITHVI(EARTH),APU(WATER), TEJA(FIRE), VAYU(AIR) & AKASH(SPACE). They move in the same order only.
On every weekday that particular days tatwa will rise along with Sun rise and will continue in that order only.
This is called AROHAM i.e. ascending order.
They will also proceed in AVAROHAM, descending order.
AKASH – VAYU – TEJA – APU – PRITHVI is the descending order.
The time duration of one Aroham and one Avaroham is One hour and thirty minutes each. The total duration of one Aroham and one Avaroham, i.e., one complete cycle is three hours.
The day is reconed from Sunrise to next sunrise.
The relationship between Tatwa, weekdays. Duration of time of tatwa and sex of the child born in tatwa is shown in the table given below.

TATWA          WEEKDAY               DURATION               SEX OF THE CHILD

                                                            IN MINUTES   

PRITHVI        WED.DAY                               6                    MALE

APU                MONDAY                              12                    FEMALE

TEJA               SUNDAY                               18                    MALE

VAYU                        THURSDAY                          24                    FEMALE

AKASH          SATURDAY                          30                    MALE

It can be noticed that the total duration of one Aroham and one Avaroham is one hour and thirty minutes.
Thus certain time is given for male born and female born. For a male child MAHA DASA, ANTARDASA & PRATYANTARDASA of the tatwas should tally to male tatwas and for female child MD, AD and PAD of the tatwas should tally to female tatwas.
In other times plants, animals, eunuchs etc will born.

The duration of each maha dasa is as follows.
Prthvi tatwa                6 mts
Apu tatwa                   12  mts
Teja tatwa                   18 mts
Vayu tatwa                 24 mts
Akasha tatwa              30 mts

Total                            90 mts

Antar dasa:
The antar dasa of a maha dasa is arrived at as per the following formula.

A.D = M.D X A.D./90
The result will be in minutes. For e.g.,
AD of Prithvi in MD of Prithvi is

Prithvi X Prithvi/90     = 6X6/90
                                    = 0.4 mts
                                    = 24 secs.


In the same way the PAD is calculated as follows.
PAD = MD X AD/90 X PAD/90
The result will be in minutes.
For e.g.,
Prithvi X Prithvi X Prithvi      = 6 x 6/90 x 6/90
                                                =1.60 secs

For a male birth it is a must that MD, AD, PAD should have male tatwas and for female child MD, AD and PAD should have female tatwas.

While computing the dasa antar dasa and prtyantar dasa in Aroham the order will be in direct order.
Prithvi – apu – teja – vayu – akash
The Antar dasa and praryantaar dasa will also be in direct order.
Where as in Avaroham the order will be in Reverse Order.
         & AKASHA – PRTHVI
Similarly in PAD.

1.      Mid point of AKASH and mid point of VAYU will produce opposite sex. Even though Akash tatwa is a male tatwa the child born during the time of mid of Akasha tatwa dasa will be female and similarly even though the vayu tatwa is a female tatwa, the child born during the mid of Vayu tatwa dasa will be a male.
2.      During the culminating time from aroham to avaroham and avaroham to aroham (junction points) the sex of the child born will be the same as the nature of tatwa but the nature of the child will be opposite. I.e., a male child will have female behavior and a female child will have male behavior. A male will have a female nature and a female will have a male nature. They are not eunuchs but they behave like that.

MD, AD & PAD if they are not of similar nature, the born things will be plants, creepers, animals etc. They are also created by Brahma at specific times only. Thus certain seeds will not give fruit yielding plants if seeded in a particular unfavorable time. If the time of seeding is good and favorable, the plants will yield good fruits. Hence time should be good even for plantations.
By using this method the given time of birth of a child can be rectified.  

An experience of Shri Vemuri Ramamurty Sastry is worth mentioning her. Shri Sastry was one of the scholars of astrology in Andhra Pradesh. Once a landlord of near by village approached Shri Sastry and asked the sex of the child who was born on a particular time. Shri Sastry calculated in his mind itself and informed the landlord that there is no possibility of taking birth of a human being during that time. The landlord repeatedly asked Shri Sastry to check and even threatened to trouble him if the prediction goes wrong. Shri Sastry then challenged that he would not touch astrology if his prediction goes wrong and stick to his stand. Then the landlord informed that at that given time his she buffalo gave birth to a calf and he came to test the knowledge of Shri Sastry. That is the confidence of Shri Sastry on astrology and that is the greatness of astrology. Probably Shri Sastry used the Pancha Tatwa theory in this context.  



   PRITHVI – PRITHVI ( 0mts 24 secs)        PRITHVI – APU  ( 0 mts 48 secs )
                                  mts       secs                                                     mts     secs
    PRITHVI                   0          02                                APU                       0          06
    APU                           0          03                                TEJA                      0         10 
    TEJA                          0          05                                VAYU                   0          13
    VAYU                        0          06                                AKASH                 0          16 
    AAKASH                   0          08                                PRITHVI               0          03

   TOTAL                        0          24                                TOTAL                  0          48

  PRITHVI – TEJA  (1 mt 12 sec )          PRITHVI – VAYU (1mt 36 sec ) 

                                       mts     secs                                                           mts       secs

    TEJA                       0          14                    VAYU                                    0          26                   
   VAYU                     0          19                    AKASH                      0          32
   AKASH                   0          24                    PRTHVI                     0          06
   PRITHVI                 0          05                    APU                            0          13
   APU                         0          10                    TEJA                           0          19

  TOTAL                     1          12                    TOTAL                       1          36


  PRITHVI – AKASH   ( 2 mts 00 secs )

                                            mts          secs

     AKASH                 0          40
    PRITHVI                0          08
    APU                        0          16

   TEJA                        0          24

   VAYU                     0          32

   TOTAL                   2          00       


APU DASA – 12 mts

     APU–APU( 1mts 36 secs)                              APU– TEJA  ( 2 mts 24 secs )
                                  mts       secs                                                     mts     secs
    APU                           0          13                                TEJA                      0         29 
    TEJA                          0          19                                VAYU                   0          38
    VAYU                        0          26                                AKASH                 0          48 
    AAKASH                   0          32                                PRITHVI               0          10
    PRITHVI                   0           06                                APU                      0          19         
   TOTAL                        0          96                                TOTAL                  2          24

   APU– VAYU  (3 mt 12 sec )                    APU–AKASH (4mt 00 sec ) 

                                       mts     secs                                                           mts       secs

   VAYU                     0          51                    AKASH                      1          20
   AKASH                   1          04                    PRTHVI                     0          16
   PRITHVI                 0          13                    APU                            0          32
   APU                         0          26                    TEJA                           0          48
   TEJA                        0          38                    VAYU                        1          04
  TOTAL                     3          12                    TOTAL                       4          00


   APU– PRITHVI   ( 0 mts 48 secs )

                                            mts          secs

    PRITHVI                0          03
    APU                        0          06

    TEJA                       0          10

    VAYU                                0          13
    AKASH                  0          16

   TOTAL                   0          48       


TEJA DASA – 18 mts

     TEJA–TEJA( 3mts 36 secs)                              TEJA - VAYU ( 4 mts 48 secs )
                                  mts       secs                                                     mts     secs
     TEJA                          0         43                                VAYU         1         17
    VAYU                         0         58                                AKASH       1         36 
    AAKASH                    1         12                                PRITHVI     0         19
    PRITHVI                    0          14                               APU              0         38
   APU                             0          29                               TEJA             0         58
   TOTAL                        3          36                                TOTAL         4         48

   TEJA– AKASH  (6 mt 00 sec )                    TEJA–PRITHVI (1mt 12 sec ) 

                                       mts     secs                                                           mts       secs

   AKASH                   2          00                    PRTHVI                     0          05
   PRITHVI                 0          24                    APU                            0          10
   APU                         0          48                    TEJA                           0          14
   TEJA                        1          12                    VAYU                        0           19
   VAYU                      1          36                    AKASH                      0          24

  TOTAL                     6          00                    TOTAL                       1          12


   TEJA - APU ( 2 mts 24 secs )

                                            mts          secs

    APU                        0          19

    TEJA                       0          29

    VAYU                                0          38
    AKASH                  0          48
    PRITHVI                0          10

   TOTAL                    2          24       


VAYU DASA – 24 mts

  VAYU–VAYU( 6mts 24 secs)                  VAYU– AKASH  ( 8 mts 00 secs )
                                  mts       secs                                                     mts     secs
    VAYU                     1          42                                AKASH          2        40 
    AAKASH                2          08                                PRITHVI        0        32
    PRITHVI                 0          26                                APU              1        04
    APU                         0          51                                TEJA              1        36
    TEJA                        1          17                                VAYU            2        08
   TOTAL                     6          24                                TOTAL            8       00

   VAYU -PRITHVI  (1 mt 36 sec )                   VAYU–APU (3mt 12 sec ) 

                                       mts     secs                                                           mts       secs
   PRITHVI                 0          06                    APU                            0          26
   APU                         0          13                    TEJA                           0          38
   TEJA                        0          19                    VAYU                        0          51
   VAYU                     0          26                    AKASH                      1          04
   AKASH                   0          32                    PRTHVI                     0          13
  TOTAL                     1          36                    TOTAL                       3          12


   VAYU– TEJA   ( 4 mts 48 secs )

                                            mts          secs


    TEJA                       0          58

    VAYU                                1          17
    AKASH                  1          36
    PRITHVI                0          19
    APU                        0          38

   TOTAL                   4          48       


AKASH DASA – 30 mts

     AKASH–AKASH( 10mts )                AKASH– PRITHVI  ( 2 mts  )
                                  mts       secs                                                     mts     secs
    AAKASH                3          20                                PRITHVI        0        08
    PRITHVI                 0          40                                APU              0        16
    APU                         1          20                                TEJA              0        24 
    TEJA                        2          00                                VAYU           0        32
    VAYU                      2          40                                AKASH         0        40        
   TOTAL                   10          00                                TOTAL          2         00

   AKASH - APU   (4 mt  )                    AKASH - TEJA(6mt  ) 

                                       mts     secs                                                           mts       secs

   APU                         0          32                    TEJA                           1          12
   TEJA                        0          48                    VAYU                        1          36
   VAYU                     1          04                    AKASH                      2          00
   AKASH                   1          20                    PRTHVI                     0          24
   PRITHVI                 0          16                    APU                            0          48
  TOTAL                     4          00                    TOTAL                       6          00



   AKASH– VAYU   ( 8 mts )

                                            mts          secs

    VAYU                                2          08
    AKASH                  2           40
     PRITHVI               0          32
    APU                        1          04

    TEJA                       1          36

   TOTAL                   8          00       



























